18 Different Types of Longboards: Everything You Need to Know

Choosing the right longboard is a difficult decision. There are so many types of long boards to choose from, and it can be hard to know which one will suit your needs best. That’s why we have compiled this article for you! We’ve broken down 18 types of longboards, going into detail about what they’re made out of, how much weight they can carry, and more. This way you’ll be able to find the perfect board without any hassle at all!

Basically, the types of longboard differs according to the riding styles. In general, longboards are built for Dancing, Downhill, Cruising, Carving, Freeride, Freestyle, and Pushing. While there are longboards individually made for these riding styles, there are some hybrid longboards that can be used for multiple types of riding styles.

However, you need to make sure to choose the longboard according to your riding style as hybrid longboard might not be ideal for everyone to try, especially when you’re beginner.

Longboards are made with different types of materials and some longboard types are more durable while others might be easier on the wallet, so it’s important to evaluate your needs before you make a purchase as there may also be other considerations when choosing what type of board to buy.

different types of longboards

18 Different Types of Longboards

Now, its time to check out the types of longboards in a more descriptive manner to understand them deeply and learn what makes each of them different from each other.

1. Downhill Longboards

Downhill longboards are built for speed. These longboard type can travel at speeds in excess of 40 miles per hour, which is why they’re sometimes referred to as “speed boards”. Some types of downhill longboard are made with a metal chassis and wheels that offer the stability necessary to keep you going fast without getting thrown off your board.

In order to maintain speed, you must have stability and good turning ability. If your bike is too stable it will not be able to turn well which means that on curves or bends in the road you may lose time; if your bike has great turning capability but isn’t very stable then riding rougher terrain will make for a bumpier ride with less effective overall times. [1]

downhill longboard

They offer comfortable foot space and a secure placement so you don’t have to worry about your feet coming off while cruising downhill on these boards, but that also means there is less control when turning as compared with other board types like topmount or drop-through decks which give better stability at slower speeds by being lower to the ground.

Downhill longboarders prefer different downhill longboard deck styles than riders who only go uphill since speed takes priority over maneuverability in this context where it’s important not lose one’s footing while pushing through tricky terrain such as dirt trails or steep inclines.

There are three types of downhill longboards that you should be aware of:

  • Downhill Kite Longboard – This longboard type is a hybrid, and can either function as a kite or skateboard. It’s primarily meant for racing other riders down steep hillsides with no obstacles
  • Classic “Rocker” Style Longboard – This longboard style looks like the types of skateboards you may have ridden as a kid. It’s made with durable materials and features metal trucks that offer stability at high speeds
  • Downhill “Drop Through” Style Longboard – The drop through design is primarily for those who are looking to go fast on steep hillsides while maintaining stability.

2. Drop Through Longboards

Drop Through Longboards are types of longboard that have a lower center of gravity, which improves stability at slower speeds. This is done by putting the trucks on top with wheels in between and then lowering the deck to be closer to the ground than it would otherwise be.

This type of design allows for better balance as well as less wheel bite. Wheel bite is when your wheels hit the ground and stop spinning, which happens because it’s difficult to get good grip in all types of terrain.

drop through longboard

These longboard types are great for riding on flat surfaces with plenty of traction such as dirt paths or sidewalks since they’ve got more stability than other types like topmount longboards.

There are two types of Drop Through Longboards:

  • Drop-Through Downhill Style – This longboard type is the same as a drop through longboard but it’s built for going fast on steep hillsides. It might be difficult to turn quickly because in order to maintain stability at high speeds you need metal trucks that offer more resistance when turning
  • Drop-Through Cruising Style – This board is built for cruising around the streets and it features a lower center of gravity. It’s meant to be more stable so that you can go slow without struggling with balance or easily getting wheel bite in turns, but this also means there may not be enough resistance when moving at high speeds on hillsides.

3. Carving Longboards

Carving longboards are one of a longboard types that have a more concave design on the deck, which makes for better grip and stability. This is done by placing the trucks in front so they’re closer to your feet with wheels beneath them.

This longboard type is perfect for those who love carving since you can really use it as an extension of your feet. The board is also much more stable and balanced at lower speeds, which makes it a great option for those who only go downhill occasionally.

carving longboard

There are four types of Carving Longboards:

  • Carving Drop Through Style – The drop through design is primarily for those who are looking to go fast on steep hillsides while maintaining stability.
  • Carving Topmount Style – This board features a high center of gravity because the trucks sit at the very top with wheels in between, which makes it perfect for stability but not so much when going uphill.
  • Carving “Drop Deck” Style – This design is the same as a drop through, only with one major difference: at the top of this board there are gaps between each truck. These types of longboards might be difficult to control on steep hillsides because you won’t have enough resistance when turning.
  • Carving “Dropless” Style – The dropless design is primarily for those who are looking to go fast on flat surfaces. It might be difficult to turn quickly because in order to maintain stability at high speeds you need metal trucks that offer more resistance when turning.

4. Cruising Longboards

cruising longboard

Cruising types of longboards are built for going slow on flat surfaces, which makes them perfect for navigating around the city. This is done by attaching the trucks close to your feet with wheels in front and at the bottom.

This board type features a slightly concave design because it has more grip and balance when moving faster than slower speeds. The trucks are lower and the longboard deck is higher so that it’s easier to push.

5. Bamboo Longboards

bamboo longboard

Bamboo types of longboards are made from natural bamboo. The longboard deck is hand-made by cutting the wood into strips and then gluing them together with epoxy resin, which creates a smooth surface that’s extremely durable.

This type of board (bamboo longboards) has more flex than other longboard types because it features a softwood design and cork grips on top for better control. In addition, bamboo longboards are lightweight and durable making it a great option for beginners as well as professionals.

6. Pintail Longboards

Pintail types of boards are designed with a long, narrow tail. This is done for the purpose of weaving and turning without catching your feet on the ground or wheeling out to one side.

This type of board (pintail longboards) is made for cruising and carving types of riding style. It’s a perfect option for those who want to take their time on the roads since it has more grip at lower speeds but doesn’t have much stability when moving quickly downhill.

pintail longboard

The pintail longboards design features two types:

  • Traditional Style – This longboard is designed with a wide, flat deck and a wide truck. This makes it perfect for those who are looking to cruise around town at lower speeds since you’ll have plenty of grip in the front but not much resistance when moving quickly downhill.
  • The traditional design is best for beginners since the grip in front helps make it easier to move around, while the drop deck longboards style with a high center gravity makes it better for racing.
  • Drop Deck Style – The drop deck types features trucks that sit low on the board with wheels beneath them, which means there’s more stability when moving at low speeds but less when going downhill.
  • A drop deck types of longboards might be difficult to control on steep hillsides because you won’t have enough resistance when turning.

7. Fishtail Longboards

Fishtail types of boards are designed with a long tail that is similar to the pintail, only instead it’s in the shape of an “S.” The Pintail and Fishtail longboards are often mistaken, but the different tails on each board make them easily discernible. The tail of a fish is located at its rear with a shape similar to that of an actual fish – hence why it’s called “fish.”

The simple thing you need to know about what distinguishes both types of boards from one another is their very obvious difference: the tail. When looking for either type, just glance behind where your feet go (at the back) and look at how they end.

fishtail longboard

The split tail of the Fishtail longboards is perfect for making sharp turns with ease. A cool surf style comes in handy when you’re on a board and it’s also what makes this model so attractive-looking, too!

This type has more stability than other longboard types because at higher speeds you’ll have metal trucks for resistance and grip. In addition, this board is built for downhill riding so they come equipped with large wheels, which is better for those types of riding style.

8. Drop Down Longboards

Drop Down types of boards are designed with a lowered longboard deck. This is done for the purpose of making it easier to push since you don’t need as much leverage when pushing off, but not all types feature this design.

drop down longboard

The Drop down longboards is the perfect balance of a stable ride and low to the ground riding. The foot platform on these boards are dropped down, providing ample wheel clearance for skaters who want big wheels with cut out shapes that allow you to grip your board more easily than traditional shape decks do! [2]

9. Topmount Longboards

Topmount types of boards are designed with the deck on top. With the trucks mounted to the top of this type of longboard, you can put your feet on top and reach down for a more secure grip.

topmount longboard

You’ll also have an easier time lifting off because there is so much leverage when performing moves like shuvits or ollies. This type of board is best for beginners since it’s easy to learn how to push off and ride without catching your feet or wheels in between the ground.

The Top Mount longboard has a high center of gravity which is perfect for those types of riding because you’ll have more stability at higher speeds. Keep in mind, though: that means this type is better to ride when going downhill than uphill.

10. Double Drop Longboards

Double Drop types of boards are designed with a lowered deck and the board has two drops in it. The Double drop longboards is a high-skill, heavy duty board designed for hill riders.

For those who know what they’re doing and want to go fast downhill without sacrificing traction or control, this boards got you covered with its advanced design which combines the best of both worlds: Drop Deck Longboards and Drop Through Longboards.

double drop longboard

The board’s extremely low gravity center makes it easy to adjust the speed. This means that even beginners can enjoy longboards without feeling overwhelmed by their lack of experience or understanding.

This type is best for those who want to be able to push off easily without having too much trouble around town at lower speeds, but also enjoy going downhill fast as well.

11. Dancer Longboards

Dancer types of boards are designed with a concave deck that’s shaped in such a way to provide clearance when riding off the nose. The Dancer longboard is agile, and it doesn’t have as much grip because it has little wheel cut outs which allow for more space between your feet and the ground.

On a dancer longboard, there is an easily-poppable double kicktail that allows riders to make creative moves on their board. Using feet and body for balance while staying well planted are key skills which will allow riders to get the most out of their skill with this type of longboard deck design!

dancer longboard

The goal of this type of board is to be able to do freestyle tricks and moves, while still being stable. The Dancer longboard can help you learn how to dance on the board in a way that doesn’t cause it to flip over.

The concave design of this type allows for more control because your feet are slid towards the nose at low speeds, and slide back when you speed up. It’s a great all-around board that can be used for any types of riding style because it has more clearance and flexibility than other types.

12. Freeride Longboards

Freeride types of boards are specially designed to conquer the steep hills and paths on your way down from slide-to-slide like a snowboard. Freeride boards are not supposed to be responsive, which means that they provide an incredibly stable ride for beginners looking for something without too much speed but excellent stability when it comes time to make sharp turns.

This Freeride longboard comes in all possible shapes and with smaller wheels to help you slide. You will be getting less traction which may lead to a wet ride, but the small wheels are made for sliding so that shouldn’t matter too much!

freeride longboard

This Freeride boards has everything you need from an epic day of riding down hills or going across parks looking at nature up close – it’s got grip on rails while still being able to maneuver easily when taking corners because of its smaller size.

This type is best used on steep slopes where the rider wants to make sure they have a secure footing and can control their speed with ease while going down hill at high speeds.

13. Push / Commuter Longboards

Push board is designed for just that: pushing. They’re not meant to be ridden while in motion, but rather they have an extra wide longboard deck and large wheels which allow you to push around with ease.

Commuter longboards are the perfect boards for those looking to do it all. They have a low standing platform, drop-through trucks that allow you to push with less effort and wheels designed specifically for an on demand commute. If commuting is your thing then this board just might be too!

commuter longboard

These push longboards are perfect if you want something easy-to-ride and comfortable on your feet so that you can get from point A to B without feeling like it’s a chore or effort. Push longboards are also great because the wider design allows for more stability at slower speeds when getting used to riding one!

14. Mini Cruiser Short Longboards

Mini types of boards are designed just like they sound – they’re short! They provide a balance of stability and maneuverability. For this reason, they excel for commuting and cruising through traffic because the rider can quickly react to changes in surface conditions like stoplights or potholes with ease.

These boards also allow riders who may typically ride smaller decks to have more control over their board – making them ideal for less experienced longboarders looking to upgrade from shorter skateboards or longboards. The downside is these boards offer less space between your feet when riding so if you wear shoes be prepared!

mini cruiser longboard

Mini Cruiser Longboards are compact cruisers that work well on narrow streets as it’s hard not run into anyone else while navigating tight spaces easily thanks its small size; plus there’s no

The mini cruiser board is the size of what you might see on preteens who want something small and easy-to-maneuver, but still have all the function that comes with a longboard design.

This type is best used when going around town at low speeds and over flat surfaces where simplified construction and smaller wheels allow for an agile experience without high speed capabilities or a long ride.

It’s made especially for those young riders or first time longboarders because it has more stability than other types which makes learning how to ride easier while also being able to do tricks if desired.

15. Twin Longboards

The most common design of longboards is the twin longboard, a modified layout for multi-directional street skating. It was given this name because it has two decks and also doubles as its own handle!

twin longboard

With its curved nose, tail structures and stability, the board is perfect for professionals. Sharp turns are possible with this board as it can withstand downhill riding without flipping over.

This type of board is also suitable for executing tricks. In fact, it’s a favorite among the professionals because of its stability and better grip on the ground that allows them to execute more complicated maneuvers with ease. [3]

16. Cut Out Longboards

The Cut Out types of longboards are a type that is designed for one way use. They have the shape and look as if it would be ridden with your feet on the inside, but this isn’t possible due to the concave bottom design.

This cut-out longboards are one of the most advanced designs on the market. The base has a wide design and will leave ample room for wheels, which means you’ll have plenty of speed to cruise down your route with ease!

cut out longboard

The function of a cut out longboard is quite similar to the cut out board, but it provides more stability and better maneuverability. These boards are used for freestyle and downhill riding with large wheel clearance so they can be both bi-directional.

The trucks on these boards are drop through which lower the board even further while giving you an easier time getting up hills!

17. Blunt Longboards

The blunt types of boards are the most popular kind on the market today. The design is sleek and very streamlined which makes it look like a surfboard with four wheels – or maybe more like a snowboard!

Blunt longboards are the kind of boards that will stick with you for as many years as it takes to learn how to shred. The blunt design is actually a result of blunting off the nose and tail parts from Pintails while retaining all those elements on top, so your feet can feel more grounded onto this board’s surface.

blunt longboard

One of the most popular types of longboards are blunt boards, which was made for a smoother ride. They work best on flat rides and not so much in hills because they don’t do well with sharp turns, but that doesn’t mean one can never go out hill riding!

This longboard is perfect for beginners and people with larger feet. It’s not stiff, so it doesn’t need to be broken in like a more advanced board might; plus the shape of the board helps those who may have trouble balancing on two wheels take their first steps down this path of fun!

18. Electric Longboards

From the moment you first glide on an electric longboard, it’ll feel like no other board. The boards are made of bamboo and each one comes with a Bluetooth remote that lets you control your ride from up to 15 feet away.

It feels different than riding any other kind of skate because there’s literally zero effort involved – just turn the power switch on at anytime while in motion and let go off your grip!

electric longboard

When you’re looking for the best electric longboard, all of these factors are key. You want a board that has a powerful motor and durable battery so it lasts as long as possible.

The trucks on your deck need to be sturdy enough to handle bumps in the road or sidewalk without bending out too much so they don’t wobble while riding at high speeds which could lead to wipeouts!

In general, it takes 2-5 hours to charge fully depending on the battery and can ride anywhere from 12-20 miles. The time of charging varies based on a number of factors such as average speed, riders weight, wind power etc.

What Type of Longboard Should You Choose?

If you’re just starting out in longboarding, the Pintail is for you. It may be flashy but it’s also a safe ride to get your feet wet while learning how to use this board sport. As soon as things start clicking and all of those pesky germs are less overwhelming, there will be plenty more chances for one-upmanship with an entirely new deck type!

Wrapping Up

The type of longboard you choose may depend on your goals. If you want a board that can be used for downhill racing, then look at boards with aggressive concave and flowy rockers to keep it stable during high speeds.

For freeriding or cruising around town, consider going for decks with lots of flex so they’re more forgiving when turning. And if you just enjoy carving up the slopes in style, then an art deck will be perfect! What’s your favorite? Let us know in the comment down below. Happy Ridinig!

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